Art Wear Affects Feelings

People have been wearing clothes since the days of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. As the centuries unfolded what we wore conveyed more and more about who we are, signaling our status in society and where we belonged in the world. For example, certain colors (like purple) and fabrics (like silk) were most associated with the elite class. As the cliché goes: “you can judge a woman by the clothes she wears.” [Or a man by his shoes!]

The human truth of this dimension of clothing is self - evident. But not all effects are equal. Women wearing our brand of art wear turn heads. They are seen as being stylish and elegant. They make an impression. They are, as we’re fond of saying, not just noticed but remembered.

So much for how art wear impacts how others see us.

The relationship between who we are and what we wear runs deeper than that. It impacts how we feel inside. How we feel about ourselves. Indeed, what we wear influences our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  So, for example a woman who wears a sexy dress feels sexy, regardless of whether it’s seen by others or not. Same with lingerie. In short then, art wear puts us in touch with how we feel inside and how we might want to behave as a result.

The inner and outer directed facets of art wear come together of course. Beautiful art wear might give a woman the confidence to act like the belle of the ball. Or It might make others remember her long after the ball is forgotten, even if she was socializing in a corner.

This insight is central to the psychology of women and the philosophy of our company.

“We let you feel beautiful inside even as we express your beauty to the world.”


Masters of High Fashion